It all begins with inspiration.

A few years ago, I came across an online article about Holland Island, once a thriving community located on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland with over 300 residents. I felt saddened to learn that despite efforts to save it, the island is now completely underwater. It made me ponder about the families and individuals who lived on the island during its peak. I imagined what it must have been like - the stunning scenery, the charming fishing town, the relationships, and the hardships of leaving behind their entire lives and homes, knowing it would all vanish forever. This experience marked the beginning of my writing journey.

My books are all about historical events that took place in the Chesapeake Bay and the surrounding areas. To ensure the authenticity of my writing, I devote lots of time to researching and exploring all of the locations mentioned in my books. Each place has its own amazing history, and atmosphere and I try to capture some of that through the stories I write. I really hope that when you read my books, you feel like you've been transported back in time to the beautiful shores of the Chesapeake. My hope for you is that you experience a way of life that's full of history, heartache, and love.

My own love story unfolded on the bay. I fell in love with my soulmate on the eastern shores of Maryland, among the sights and sounds of the Chesapeake and Atlantic Ocean. He was a divorced father of four girls, and I was a divorced mom of two boys and one girl. Our connection was unlike anything either of us had experienced, we like to imagine that our souls must have recognized each other from a past life and set out on a search to find one another. We quickly fell head over heels for each other and blended our families, as we said forever on the shore of the Chesapeake Bay.

Scroll down to see our large, crazy beautiful family.